Strength: If someone wants their Bard to have a halfway decent Arcana skill, consider making Strength the dump stat instead.Generally, Intelligence is considered the best stat for Bards and other Charisma-based casters to dump, but it doesn't necessarily have to be. Players will have a choice as to the second-lowest stat and which is the dump stat. Intelligence: Speaking of the dump stat, let's talk about the two remaining ability scores to be assigned.However, given the number of spells that call for a Wisdom saving throw, not to mention the skills this stat boosts, it shouldn't be a dump stat either. Wisdom: Wisdom is not a priority for a Bard in the least.That's a perk that any class would find valuable. It's nearly as important as Dexterity, given that Constitution dictates the number of hit points a character has.

Constitution: The next-highest ability score should be Constitution.It boosts attack, initiative, and AC, and since Bards don't usually wear heavy armor, they'll need that naturally high AC in a fight. Dexterity: The second-highest stat in the best Bard build should go to Dexterity.If the Bard starts the game with their Charisma score below a 20, then the player should focus on getting them there through gaining levels. Charisma: It's already been said that a Bard needs to ooze charm to be effective, so it shouldn't be surprising that a bard's highest stat should most definitely be Charisma.They also get one other Ability Score of the user's choice to increase by 1. Variant Humans: Available in the Eberron – Rising from the Last War module, this race's Dexterity score increases by 2.For those eyeing the College of Valor subclass, a Triton is a perfect fit. Triton: Available in Volo's Guide to Monsters, this race gets +1 to Charisma.Tiefling: This race's +2 to Charisma and +1 to Intelligence makes for a nice combination if a player is thinking of multiclassing with another spellcaster.Tabaxi: One of the less terrifying creatures in Volo's Guide to Monsters, the Tabaxi gets a +2 to Dexterity and a +1 to Charisma.Satyr: From the Mystic Odysseys of Theros module, the Satyr gets a +2 to Charisma and a +1 Dexterity, the Bard's two most important abilities.Lightfoot Halfling: One of the two Halfing subraces, this one gets bonuses to Charisma and Dexterity.This race also gets Darkvision, extra skills, and Advantage against being charmed. Half-elves: +2 bonus to Charisma and +1 to two other attributes of the player's choice.It also gets bonuses to Charisma and Dexterity. Drow Elf: Though unlisted in the regular Player's Handbook, this has been a playable race since the 1990s.