These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'avowed.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. 2020 The Trump Administration is an avowed supporter of the Jordan Cove project and has been heavily lobbied by gas producers in western states looking to expedite its approval to gain access to Asian export markets. 2020 The Trump Administration is an avowed supporter of energy export projects in general, and Jordan Cove in particular.

2021 Christopher Smith for The New York Times Jane King, a financial investor from Boston who describes herself as progressive, began the presidential primary as an avowed supporter of Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

If you are leveling an alt with Threads of Fate, you can start The Avowed intro questline as early as a level 50 and do not need to complete the Revendreth zone campaign. 74.04, 51.98 Contents 1 Description 2 Members 2.1 Named 2. Before players can begin The Avowed questline to start earning reputation with, they must first reach level 60 unless they leveling via Threads of Fate. A mirror exists connecting Absolution Crypt 72.06, 40.5 and the Avowed reputation area in the Halls of Atonement. 2021 The avowed Trump supporter has expressed skepticism about Dominion's integrity.Ĭarly Roman, Washington Examiner, 18 Jan. The Avowed are a reputation faction in Revendreth. Tim Sullivan, The Courier-Journal, 25 Nov. 2022 An avowed minimalist, Ogle moves from place to place with few possessions. New York Times, 15 June 2022 An avowed white supremacist is back in federal custody, one of five men who prosecutors say busted through a Southeast Portland pawn shop last month using a sledgehammer and stole 47 guns worth about $20,000. John Warner, Chicago Tribune, 9 July 2022 The suspect, Payton Gendron, 18, is an avowed white supremacist. Recent Examples on the Web An avowed white supremacist writing about Indigenous peoples is unlikely to fly these days.